Sunday, 12 June 2016

1953 Coronation Doll Coronation Sampler and Garden Seats

 A beautiful Coronation doll, there is a label on the back which states Designed and Worked by Mrs N.G. Demetriadi in 1953. In her will Mrs N. left it to The Embroideres Guild U.K where it has been stored for many years. As the Guild is moving and lacks storage space this rare item was sold on eBay. I am the lucky winning bidder so it now has a special place in my collection.
 A close up of some of the beading and stitching of the Coronation dress.
 This shows the box it is in and can be hung on the wall.
 This is the sampler I have been searching for and at last it is hanging on my wall. GeorgeVI coronation it shows Elizabeth and Margaret Rose' A similar one I have shows the children of GeorgeV
 My first 90th birthday sampler finished and looking for wall space. This chart was in Cross Stitcher Magazine.
 Now to show my new garden chairs. A local man makes these so look closely at the back of the 2 chairs as the backs are made out of bedheads.
 No two are the same but some are larger if he uses double bedheads. They are strong and solid and always with wide arms for a cup of tea or glass of wine.
If I can find more space I would love another chair.