Saturday, 18 October 2014

More Royal Embroiderey

 Found on eBay, a Royal Visit 1954 cushion cover. Haven't seen this design before and I've framed it but it can revert to a cushion cover any time as I did not cut into any of it. I bought the frame at an op shop sale months ago, knew It would be perfect for something one day. By a bit of shuffling around I even found space on the wall for this treasure.
 Love these little embroidered coronation brooches and the one on the far right is new in my collection. Top left is not embroidered. I could stitch some of these brooches myself as I have old embroidery transfers. It's on my 'to do' list. The brooch bottom right has a loop for a chain so could also be worn as a necklace
 A compact from the Silver Jubilee still has the Max Factor face powder intact. I could use it but the shade is a little too dark for me. I've had the other compacts for a while, one even has an embroidered cover.
 This little collection of coloured cups and beakers is growing and I know there are more colours out there to collect. The two on the far right are from the 1937 coronation and are made from Bakelite the rest are plastic and are either coronation 1953 or royal visit 1954.
My William and Kate wedding cross stitch is coming along slowly though I have been working very hard at it. Trouble is there are so many odd stitches and I keep losing my place. Now I have to mark off every stitch as it's worked. I had even thought maybe I could just do William and not Kate but her hand is already in the crook of his arm so she will have to be stitched too. Do not attempt this sampler unless you are a real lover of Royalty like me.
Now I have 3 dressmaker models. The first were bought at the op shop and were not cheap to buy. I found the latest one at the side of the road put out for rubbish collection. It was in my car in the blink of an eye and dressed in a T shirt I already had. I also had some more Charles and Diana wedding panels and quickly made a skirt. The skirt now matches the curtains and bed quilt in that room.
The models are perfect for displaying aprons. The latest apron with the scalloped edge was bought from an Etsy shop in Canada, Vicki over at Saffron's Strawberry Patch alerted me to it.
Can you believe it? Edward VIII abdication speech printed on a silk scarf. I have seen two of these of different colours so perhaps they weren't so rare in 1936 but I am pleased to have one in my collection.
Next post I will give an amazing household hint of how I am displayng this scarf and the Queen Victoria one from the previous post.
Prepare to be amazed and no the ceiling is not being used.


  1. Wow ! you have been a busy bee ! The abdication speech on a scarf is really amazing bust be a seldom piece !!

  2. Incredible!! I wouldn't have thought there would still be memorabilia around from 1953 and before, but you seem to attract it! I doubt if there will be many of those wedding samplers finished, Sylvia, so if you were to just sew Him and paint in Her with Hobbytex, it would be acceptable, no?

  3. William is looking good. Yes I see Kate's hand so she will have to be included.

  4. That scarf is amazing - not put on the ceiling! Across a window or mirror? Can't wait to see what you have done with it. The wedding cross stitch is a challenge but I am sure you will get there.

  5. Wishing you a very Royal November!
    xo Catherine
