Tuesday 9 March 2021

The Meghan, Harry and Oprah Show Report

Big Ted is sitting in his/her office chair waiting for me. I have an appointment with BT soon as he/ she is my councellor/therapist. My mental health was destroyed after the huge whingeathon from Harry and Meghan last night with encouragement from Oprah and no hard or follow up questions. The acting and lies were first class. Poor Meghan being forced to live a life of luxury and not wanting to live. Obviously Harry or her mother were no help.Then pulling out the racism card and Harry saying nothing without permission. As for Oprah.....WHAT!!  Hope the Palace can come up with something to quieten this pair down. On my way BT have a cup of tea and a box of tissues ready for me, it will be a long session.
My souvenirs from That wedding and to think I wasted time stitching a sampler. Now the terrible two say they were married 3 days before (another lie?) how many weddings does this woman want. Not sure I can give these souvenirs space anymore. The nearest charity shop might take them.
For almost seventy years the Queen has carried on always doing what is right and along comes Meghan who captures and brain washes Harry takes him prisoner so he can help disrupt his family and cause trouble.

They need an appointment with Big Ted, he/she will sort them out. 


  1. Hope BT can help you. I did not even watch the show just reading the reports has me in need of therapy. Harry needs it more though.

  2. Big Ted looks like an excellent listener. Perhaps BT would have been an effective interviewer. The Queen with her corgis is lovely.

  3. I didn't watch the show either. I live in hope that Harry wakes up and comes to his senses and dumps her big time.

  4. I have watched the interview and thought that Harry has finally found somebody who helped him taking revenge on his grandmother and the family who hurt his mother so much. I can't forget the picture of little Harry in his Sunday suit walking behind his mother's coffin and millions of people watching him. How awful at that age. The Queen is or was a good Queen but not a mother at all! A little better with the grandchildren. What did Tony Blair and Charles quarrel with the Queen because she didn't want to officially bring Diana home and certainly not to organize such a funeral. She was really hated then. But now she's gotten a lot more open. I have been at Kensington palace 3 days after the funeral and I will never forget the ocean of flowers covering the whole park !! Now if he wants to live in the USA that's his choice, I don't know what to think about Meghan, apparently she makes him happy. Hopefully the marriage will last. Sorry that I think more of Diana then of the Queen, she must be happy to see her son going his way and follow her foodsteps.

  5. Hmm, well, it's hard to know what it's like to be someone else but I don't think that interview was at all appropriate - no family wants its private matters discussed on television. The Queen was never hated by anyone I knew, but in Scotland we are on the whole not particularly royalist or otherwise. I do think the Queen does a good job in very trying circumstances, though.

  6. How refreshing to see criticism of that awful interview! All I see is people in support of Meghan and it's ridiculous. She's spoiled and manipulative. I'm totally not buying that she couldn't get any mental health help (she needs it but not in the way she says) -- for pete's sake, how many mental health charities does Harry work with? The world is lucky that she's PG too -- can you imagine how awful it would have been to have her at the funeral after that interview?

  7. I didn't watch that interview either. Can't stand the Winfrey woman for a start, and like Pam, I thought it was appalling to see the family's dirty linen aired for all to see. Poor Queen Elizabeth has been sadly let down by so many of her younger family. I think Harry has made a dreadful mistake and will rue the day he let Meghan influence him to such a degree.
