The Silver Jubilee Banner I thought had been lost in the post forever has arrived. It had been returned to sender and posted on to me again. I had been saving a spot on the wall for it, made friends with the ladder long enough to place the banner in its forever home at the top of a wall where it looks perfect.
My Tempest Jubilee tapestry is finished and framed. It fits into a standard 11" x 14" frame or it could be made into a cushion but I like mine framed. The hallstand has been taken away and my extra wall space is filling up quickly.
My Twilleys Diamond Jubilee Tapestry has arrived. It's very pretty but will have to wait its turn in a queue of Jubilee stitching. I bought the kit from great service and they take paypal too.
This pretty Jubilee tray was sent to me by Sue in London as a thank you after I sent her a Jubilee chart. A much appreciated addition to my collection Sue. Thank You.
Ever start to have one of those very nice days when everything falls apart suddenly. Well today was that day. Chatting on the phone and admiring my treasures when I saw IT. HUGE! and look at those eyes. Chaos followed. Spider saw me and went behind cabinet. Cabinet cannot be moved because it is large and full of royal china. I don't like sprays and poisons but scruples flew out the window. I sprayed and a very angry spider came out and started running around the room. I tossed furniture around trying to keep up with it then lost it for a while.
Det. Insp. Charlotte was helping and promised to frisk the Queen Mother. Any excuse to get at that hat, right Charlotte? Check her handbag too don't forget. Well the battle raged, no more details but I won. To recover my sanity I spent 10 minutes breathing into a paper bag then 2 hours watching mindless TV and eating cheesecake before I was able to replace furniture and pick up my stitching. I know I've posted about these poor harmless spiders before but I can't sleep knowing there is one in the house. I try not to think about the ones I haven't seen yet.
Emily slept through all the screaming and crashing, after all she's seen it happen before and no doubt will again. You really are very fit Emily being able to hold your back leg in front of your face while you sleep. Wish I could do that. It would be very useful next time I get a splinter in my foot while walking on the verandah boards in bare feet.