Saturday, 29 October 2011

A Long Long Tea Break

I'm taking a long break from my blog while a close family member undergoes treatment for an aggressive facial cancer. An extensive operation performed 5 weeks ago now being followed by six weeks of every weekday hospital visits for radiotherapy leaves little time for blogging or commenting. I might pop up now and then but I don't expect to be back before Christmas. I will still be following my favourite blogs as some give me a much needed laugh even if I don't have the heart to comment.
Charlotte and Emily are being very supportive at this time and I will try to keep up with my Royal stitching.


  1. My dear Sylvia, my thoughts are with you as you care for your family member. I will miss your cheerful blogs about Royalty, cats and life in general, and I hope that FM will make a full recovery to good health. Looking forward to your return.

  2. Sorry to hear this, Sylvia, I wish you and your family strength in this difficult time ...
    Thinking of you,

  3. I can understand that under these circumstances your head is not really on blogging ! Wish you good luck !

  4. Sending you and your family warm thoughts and best wishes that everything goes well. Kisses for the kitties as well. I will miss you!!
    xo Catherine

  5. All the best to you and family member. Hope Charlotte and Emily continue to provide you with endless cuddles. See you later. xo

  6. I know what you mean and understand that you´ll have a longer break.
    Wish you all the best for your family member!

    My thoughts are with you and your family!


  7. Sorry to hear of the trials that you are going through at the moment, take care.
