What promised to be a busy,fun weekend turned very stressfull when Charlotte showed symptoms of cystitis on Saturday morning. An emergency appointment at the Vet who agreed it could be the problem and prescribed antibiotics and here she is only hours later-saying 'who me sick? never'

I was to meet friends for lunch at a local Thai restaurant and then go to a local theatre group matinee production of The Boy From Oz. Left Charlotte asleep on the bed and made it to lunch only 5 minutes late. Found the resteraunt now serves wine and thinking a glass would help me recover from a trip to the vet. ordered a shiraz which turned out to be red and I only drink white wine but a few sips helped restore my sanity.
The Boy from Oz is the story of the Australian Peter Allen (once married to Judy Garlands daughter Liza Minelli remember?) Hugh Jackman played his part when the show was on Broadway. Well this production was just as good and very enjoyable, no I haven't been to Broadway, It's just my opinion.
Peter's songs 'When my Baby goes to Rio' and 'I still call Australia home almost bring me to tears

Sunday was my son's birthday so made the trip to Liverpool for lunch at a local club, so here I am on the way up from the south coast, only 1hour and 20 mins away.

After lunch went back to his place for cake and the singing of Happy Birthday.
Well this is better than no cake at all isn't it?

Always do a bit of looking around when at Liverpool and above is a Pic. of my 6xgreat grandmother's grave who arrived as a convict in 1806. As the pioneer cemetery was recently vandalised there is a fence while repairs and restoration is completed. The other grave pictured is also a family grave.

Liverpool is celebrating it's bi-centenerary this year and this statue of Govenor Macquarie stands at the top of Macquarie St Liverpool looking down toward Westfield. The statue is made of stainless steel and inside shows articles such as plumb bob, drafting dividers, pick and book and I love it and always want to see it when I visit my son D who lives with his partner T nearby.
Lachlan Macqurie was Gov. of N.S.W 1810 to 1831.
Sorry about that thing coming out of his neck, it's a street light I only just noticed.

D & T's beautiful cat Sabrina, once a rescued street kitten and now living the good life.

Well I think my Royal Collection is special but you should see T's Barbie collection and here I have permission to show a vey small and I do mean small part of her amazing collection. I love to visit and see what's new.

And there's more, they are everywhere, but then son D does have a large room devoted to model railways so must get more pics. Perhaps if I take a larger cake next time I will be allowed more pics.
Well that was my weekend, forget to mention both days were very hot and sunny.